The Seuffert Bandshell
The Bandshell is host to seasonal performances & events!
The Seuffert Bandshell is named in honor of George Seuffert Sr., whose band started the tradition of free, public concerts in Forest Park!
Set in the lush environs of Forest Park, the bandshell accommodates 3,500 people and was renovated in 1977 with $204,751 in state and federal funds. In January of 1999, the bandshell was closed for an extensive, $3.4 million renovation funded by Borough President Claire Shulman.
Reopening on June 11, 2000 the restoration improved the stage, arch, and comfort station, added lighting, a new sound system, and new dressing rooms. The restoration made the bandshell wheelchair accessible, restored the terracotta tiles, installed a movie screen, and new landscaping, and sidewalks along the parking lot. Thanks to these efforts, the Seuffert Bandshell is ready for another century of music and tradition.
The Seuffert Bandshell
Photos by Robert Dea.

Continuing the tradition of free concerts.
George Seuffert, Sr. Bandshell
Born in Brooklyn to Bavarian immigrants, George Seuffert, Sr. (1875-1964) received his only formal music training from the violinist Joseph Zoellner. Seuffert became a music teacher and concert violinist before establishing the Concordia Military Band in 1894, later becoming the Seuffert Band. They performed on a bandstand on this spot until 1920, when the bandshell was built to replace it
The Seuffert Band
He is best remembered in this community for the free concerts the Seuffert Band gave every summer at this bandshell. By the time Seuffert died on May 9, 1995 in Narragansett, Rhode Island, the Seuffert Band was one of the last concert bands in the city. After Seuffert’s death, the Queens Symphony Orchestra began performing in the bandshell, continuing the tradition of free concerts.

Permit Requests:
Organized leagues or special events need a permit to use any athletic area. For people under 18, the permit is free. For those 18 and over, a fee is required. A parks permit takes 30 days to process.
You can apply online at www.nyc.gov/parks
For information on hours and programs, please call 718.393.7272